
Food Walk in Mega Diverse Edible Landscape

Because of the dry season, the diversity of edible parts of the plants greatly diminishes in many areas.  My regular location, Sienna Ranch in Lafayette, is drying out very quickly as the sun quickens towards the Solstice.  The class this Saturday, June 23 will be the LAST of its kind in this location until likely December, after the rains have returned.

The new location is a garden and edible landscape.  Many plants growing there are wild — the same ones that are dried out just outside the deer fence. Inside the fence, however, some plants get irrigation, mulch and minerals have been added, and many edges (or ecozones) have been created by design — the landscape has been enhanced, and serves an oasis for many birds, reptiles, and other wildlife.  Locally, in the summer dry season, it’s the place to be. This landscape also boasts more different types of edible (and non-edible) plants growing in 3/4 an acre than anywhere else I know locally.

We are going to begin there on Saturday, June 30, in the morning.